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Timket festival

This Ethiopian adventure begins in the bustling city of Addis Ababa with a tour of the city and surrounds.
A morning flight takes you to Bahar Dar, the picturesque town set on the shores of Lake Tana. You will visit the island monasteries and the Blue Nile Falls while keeping an eye out for hippos, crocodiles and birdlife.

In Gondar you will visit the ancient churches and castles, remnants of a bygone Ethiopian Empire, and witness the spectacle of Timkat, the Coptic Christian celebration of the Epiphany.

Land transport takes you to the dramatic landscape of the soaring Simien Mountains. Take in the majestic views and watch for rare Walia Ibex, Simien Wolves and troops of Gelada Baboons.

At Axum, the most holy city in Ethiopia, you will see reminders of an early civilization at the stelae fields and ruins of the Palace of the Queen of Sheeba and other ancient sites.

Continuing on the historic route, you will fly to Lalibela, a world-heritage-listed town set high in craggy mountains. Lalibela is renowned for its solid rock and connected with subterranean passages.

Your adventure concludes in Addis Ababa where you enjoy a night of traditional Ethiopian food, music and dancing. On your final day visit the Fistula Hospital and Mercato, East-Africa’s largest open-air market